The NN-Based Student Simulator

The Neural-Network-Based Student Simulator ("STU") is designed to provide a variety of learning capabilities to the adaptive tutor.

Here is a functional schematic of STU:

Each component of the student simulator serves as a model of one of the functional elements involved in learning.

The Perception Processor accepts input from the tutor and changes it into the student's internal representation. A probability matrix specifies the "odds" of how a given input digit will be represented (or misrepresented) in the student's mind. The perception accuracy can be varied using a single parameter.

The Central Processor controls the interactions among all the student simulator modules, and performs simple symbolic tasks such as copying and comparing symbols or accessing memory.

The Working Memory module models the "Short Term Memory": it can learn quickly, but the memories also fade quickly. A special symbol-oriented "Working Memory Network" has been written to perform this function.

The Long-Term Memory (LTM) models the human student's "permanent storage". This module uses the CNLS Network which "learns" by adjusting "weights". The LTM access can be optionally set to two modes: access through the Working Memory only, or direct access from the Central Processor.

The Response Processor is the inverse of the Perception Processor. It translates the answer from the student's mind into the form of a typed response to the tutor, again using a probability matrix that sets the odds of obtaining a correct or incorrect translation. In addition, the Response Processor has a model for the response time that is based on a combination of the student's knowledge certainty and a mechanical typing time that is derived from actual keyboarding measurements.

The student simulator is missing some very important aspects of human capabilities. Perhaps the most significant omission is the lack of any kind of "metacognition" or mechanism for self understanding and high-level adaptation. This is a fascinating and important area for future research.

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